Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Low Cost Divorces

If you have no children and limited assets, try the Court Services Center, located in court houses throughout the state. The people there work to shepherd the litigants representing themselves through the system as they get divorced. I have done these for under $1,000. Which can be split.

For those who do have some money and or children but are able to talk to and compromise with their spouse I have been able to get a number of couples divorced using mediation. Both Husband and Wife hire me, not as their legal counsel, but as someone they can both use in coming to a conclusion on a deal and preparing the paperwork. If requested I can even go to court on the day of the divorce. I have done these for under $1,500. Which can be split.

For those who can’t deal with their spouse, mediation can often be the solution as well. Sometimes I can get the parties to see that spending lots of money on lawyers is not the answer. Rich or poor it is a negative way to go. Especially where there are children the parents need to find a way to work things out.

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