Thursday, August 30, 2012

Suing a Lying Lawyer

Suing a Lying Lawyer – One Who Intentionally or Negligently gets you to do Something by Perpetuating a Lie

Suing a lawyer is not hard – the law is clear a lawyer is responsible to his/her client if the lawyer screws up – is negligent. But what if the lawyer you want to sue was representing the other side. I wrote an article sometime ago limited to suing a lawyer for malpractice: which essentially says you can only sue a lawyer who was not representing you if the lawyer was hired to do something for you. But there is another way – you can sue a lawyer for lying or misrepresenting things. You can sue the other party’s lawyer for telling you an outright lie that is intended to get you to do something. Negligent misrepresentation by a lawyer or intentional misrepresentation by a lawyer could be the way you get damages you entitled to under our law.

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